Home      Venture Cup
The Venture Cup
est. October 2014
Cup under construction.
The Venture Cup
is a sub-set of Salver golfers brought together to compete in a Ryder Cup style of event.
9 holes Fourballs
9 holes Foursomes
9 holes Singles.
The two teams of 4 players represent two distinct localities.
The Amish
Aligned to the gated community of Bridge Island, Shotley Bridge.
The Romans
Aligned to the hamlet of Ebchester, County Durham.
Each team must comprise at least 3 players from each locality.
One "outsider" is allowed if needed.
The name Venture, was created to recognise the Amish horse drawn carriages, and the original route 
taken by the Venture stagecoach from Shotley Bridge to Newcastle passing through the Roman hamlet of Ebchester at the turn of the century.
Inaugural Event
Clara Vale GC October 20th 2014

Malcolm Peart/Steve Burke halved with Ged Donnely/Noel Beveridge
Gary Stokoe/Fred Johnston lost to Paul Johnson/Gary Hewison 4 and 3 
Amish 0.5 pt     Romans 1.5 pts


Steve Burke/Fred Johnston lost to Paul Johnson/Noel Beveridge 1 up
Gary Stokoe/Malcolm Peart beat Ged Donnelly/Gary Hewison 1 up
Amish 1 pt    Romans 1 pt


Gary Stokoe beat Paul Johnson 3 and 2
Fred Johnston beat Ged Donnelly 2 and 1
Malcolm Peart halved with Gary Hewison
Steve Burke beat Noel Beveridge 2 up
Amish 3.5 pts    Romans 0.5 pts
Amish 5 points    Romans 3 points